Mon,Aug 12,2013
English>>Travel >> Around World

Dettifoss: Europe's most powerful waterfall

(Xinhua)    14:49, August 12, 2013
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(Source: huanqiu.com)

Dettifoss is is regarded as Europe’s mightiest waterfall. It is 44 m high and about 100 m wide. Further south is another called Selfoss, 10 m high, and further north the Hafragilsfoss (27 m high).

Dettifoss is the southernmost part of the National Park Jokulsargljufur and the canyon below is a miniature replica of the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA.

Some of Iceland's most renowned natural attractions are located within Jökulsárgljúfur. By looking at it one can sence the forces that shaped Ásbyrgi and Hljóðaklettar. The contrasts between power and peace is seldom more obvious than in Hólmatungur where crystal clear streams and fountains run into the sizzling glacier river Jökulsá.

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(Editor:DuMingming、Ye Xin)

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