Tue,Aug 20,2013
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UnionPay International and National Tourism Administration joining hands with BOC to issue UnionPay Travel Cards in Australia

(People's Daily Online)    13:41, August 20, 2013
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(PD Online/He Ji)

SYDNEY, August 20 (People's Daily Online) In the "China Tourism Night" event held in Sydney on August 19, 2013, UnionPay International and China National Tourism Administration (hereinafter referred to as "CNTA") together with BOC announce the issuance of the first UnionPay Travel Card (with card number starting with 62 and with UnionPay logo in card face) in Australia. This card is also another UnionPay card product brought to local cardholders by UnionPay International and BOC following their cooperation in issuing the UnionPay GreatWall Universal Dual Currency Debit Cards in Australia.

The UnionPay Travel Card issued this time is divided into two types: AUD Card and RMB Card. With the currency conversion fee exempted for card-using overseas, UnionPay Travel Card is able to provide more convenient and preferential payment service for Australian residents to use the Card locally and travel abroad. Like UnionPay GreatWall Universal Dual Currency Debit Card, this UnionPay Travel Card can also be accepted in the UnionPay acceptance networks of more than 140 countries and regions including Australia and China. At present, all POS terminals in Mainland China and over 100,000 POS terminals in Australia accept UnionPay cards. By the end of this year, UnionPay cards are expected to be accepted by 50% of POS terminals in Australia.

According to the statistics from CNTA and the Australian Bureau of Statistics, over 350,000 people have traveled from Australia to China in the first half of 2013, and the number of people traveling from China to Australia has hit record highs. Therefore, the supporting role of the cross-border payment service becomes increasingly important. At present, UnionPay cards can be accepted at international airports and duty free shops in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Pace, etc. and major shopping malls, tourist destinations, hotels and some other consumer venues in all major cities in Australia. The famous chain department store David Jones has also launched POS acceptance of UnionPay cards. Meanwhile, 97% of taxis in Australia and some schools like Macquarie University, Taylor High School, etc. all accept payment by UnionPay cards. Besides, UnionPay card cross-border online shopping service is provided by more and more Australian online merchants.

Sponsored by CNTA, the "China Tourism Night" event is aimed at demonstrating China's tourism results to countries across the world and publicizing and recommending China's excellent tourism service to local travel enthusiasts.

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(Editor:DuMingming、Ye Xin)

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