Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, April 08, 2004

Intel to roll out lead-free chips

Intel Corp., the world's largest chip maker, said on Wednesday that it will begin eliminating approximately 95 percent of the lead used in its processors and chipsets starting later this year.


Intel Corp., the world's largest chip maker, said on Wednesday that it will begin eliminating approximately 95 percent of the lead used in its processors and chipsets starting later this year.

Intel will begin shipping the lead-free technology with select microprocessors and chipsets in the third quarter, and embedded IA processors in the second quarter of 2004.

The company shipped its first lead-free memory chips last year.

Intel said the removal of lead from its product packaging will make computer chips more environmentally friendly.

The company said it is working with the industry to find a reliable solution for the tiny amount of lead still needed inside the processor packaging to connect the actual silicon "core" to the package.

Other US chip makers, such as National Semiconductor and Advance Advanced Micro Devices, have also begun working on lead-free chips and have plans to roll out their lead-free products by the end of the year or sometime later.

Source: Xinhua

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