Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, March 26, 2004

French clothing firm loses lawsuit

The Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate People's Court ruled yesterday that La Chemise Lacoste, a French clothing company, has violated the trademark of Singapore Crocodile International, which features the word "Crocodile" and a logo based on the toothy reptile.


The Shanghai No. 2 Intermediate People's Court ruled yesterday that La Chemise Lacoste, a French clothing company, has violated the trademark of Singapore Crocodile International, which features the word "Crocodile" and a logo based on the toothy reptile.

The French company was ordered to pay US$1 in compensation to the Singapore trademark owner and stop using the logo.

The court also ordered Lacoste to publicly apologize to the plaintiff within one month.

The apology must be submitted to the court for approval before it is publicized.

According to the lawsuit, the French company applied to the China Trademark Bureau to register its logo in 1995.

Though the application is still pending due to the logo feud, the Singapore firm says Lacoste has infringed on its copyright and indulged in illegal competition.

Singapore Crocodile International was set up in 1947 and registered its logo in 1951 in Singapore. The composite logo was designed by Tan Hian Tsin, chairman of the company.

The company entered China in 1993 and registered as Cartelo.

Lacoste has also sued Cartelo and Chinese domestic partners for trademark infringement and illegal competition in Beijing.

Lacoste asked Crocodile International and its partners, Shanghai Oriental Cartelo Apparel Co and Beijing Hualian Department Store Shareholding Co, for 500,000 yuan (US$60,240) in compensation.

The case, which was accepted by the Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People's Court last October, has not yet been heard.

Lacoste was established in the 1930s by French tennis legend Rene Lacoste, originally focusing on the European market.


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