Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, March 26, 2004

Chinese rights group condemns US decision on human rights motion

A Chinese human rights group leader on Thursday strongly condemned the US decision to introduce an anti-China motion at a UN human rights conference, saying his organization is firmly opposed to the US move to interfere in China's internal affairs.


A Chinese human rights group leader on Thursday strongly condemned the US decision to introduce an anti-China motion at a UN human rights conference, saying his organization is firmly opposed to the US move to interfere in China's internal affairs.

"The US motion goes against the historical trend as well as the will of world communities and is doomed to failure," says Lin Bocheng, vice chairman and secretary-general of the China Foundation for Human Rights Development (CFHRD).

Lin says that the US motion runs counter to the principles of the United Nations Charter and the fundamental interests of people from both countries. "It hurts Chinese people's feelings, and in essence it is a severe provocation to China's human rights record," he says.

The Chinese government has attached great importance to the promotion of human rights all along and made remarkable progress in this respect, which has won praise from the international community, Lin says. He cites the fact that "respect for and protection of human rights" was incorporated in the nation's Constitution at the national legislature's meeting earlier this month.

According to him, the differences between China and the United States on the issue of human rights should be properly addressed through dialogue and exchange on the basis of equality and mutual respect.

Lin says the US side is politicizing the human rights issue and exercising a double standard and that it is overriding human rights rather than caring about human rights.

"Any attempt aimed at interfering in China's internal affairs under the guise of human rights and aimed at changing the system chosen by the Chinese people through exerting pressure will be of no avail," Lin stresses.

The CFHRD, established in August 1994, is a non-governmental organization committed to improving China's human rights cause and promoting mutual understanding and cooperation between China and other countries on the human rights issue.

Source: Xinhua

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