Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, March 21, 2004

Hope slim for eight trapped miners in SW China

More than 100 rescue workers were still searching Saturday for eight miners buried underground in southwest China's Yunnan Province but the hope of finding survivors is fading two days after the cave-in accident.


More than 100 rescue workers were still searching Saturday for eight miners buried underground in southwest China's Yunnan Province but the hope of finding survivors is fading two days after the cave-in accident.

Two miners had already been found dead and two were rescued after 12 miners were buried in the cave-in accident in a deserted mine Thursday afternoon in the province's Gejiu City.

Li Runquan, mayor of Gejiu, said after he visited the scene that the government would continue to do their utmost to rescue those trapped miners.

Only one farmer escaped when the accident occurred as 12 farmers, led by a person named Luo Kaisheng, illegally entered the abandoned mine in Yuanyang County to search for ore sand, local police said.

As much as 700 cubic meters of the mine collapsed, which made it more difficult for rescue work, rescue workers said.

Illegal mining in the deserted mines was common in the areas and even the mine of the cave-in accident had reported collapse accidents before, local sources said.

Local police have looked into the illegal mining case as further investigation still continues.

Source: Xinhua

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