Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, March 21, 2004

S. Africans protest US military invasion of Iraq

About 1,000 anti-war South Africans gathered in the Library Gardens in Johannesburg on Saturday in protest against US military invasion of Iraq.


About 1,000 anti-war South Africans gathered in the Library Gardens in Johannesburg on Saturday in protest against US military invasion of Iraq.

Holding higher banners reading "No blood for oil" and "Bush get out of Iraq," they were joining demonstrators around the world protesting against the invasion of Iraq, on the one year anniversary of the invasion of that country by US and British coalition forces.

Under the banner of the Anti-War Coalition, the protesters marched to the Anglo-American building where speakers said US companies were no longer welcome in South Africa.

They said they were tired of the Americans telling them what toeat, what to drink and "how we should wash our faces."

From here the protesters proceeded to Workers' Library Complex in Newtown where there was a festival, including an exhibition of photographs and representations of wars and occupations.

The marchers were well behaved and there were no reports of anyincidents.

Meanwhile another march, attended by about 150 people, occurredin Cape Town, according to the Anti-War Coalition.

Representatives from the Anti-War Coalition, the Workers International Vanguard League, the New Unity Movement, the Anti-Eviction Campaign and the Pan African Congress spoke outside the parliament.

Source: Xinhua

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