Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, March 18, 2004

Women foster Sino-French links

Featuring shows and seminars, this week may not look any different from the other ones in the on-going Chinese Culture Year held in France. Except that women are centre stage.


Featuring shows and seminars, this week may not look any different from the other ones in the on-going Chinese Culture Year held in France. Except that women are centre stage.

Held in Paris, Marseilles and Rennes, the Chinese Women's Culture Week presents French audiences with a unique experience of traveling back in time from the women's perspective. While a fashion show demonstrates women's garments of different dynasties and nationalities in China, a photo exhibition tells the French how Chinese women of today are faring.

There are also talks oriented towards the future. Apart from a dialogue between stateswomen and congresswomen from the two countries, there are also seminars on women's participation in the economy, women and family and gender equality in the workplace.

"The Chinese Women's Culture Week will further enhance the friendship between women in China and France and promote the development of ties between the women's organizations in the two countries," said Zhang Jing, with the International Liaison Department of the All-China Women's Federation.

Among these seminars, the one on women and family on Monday attracted leaders of more than 20 local women's organizations.

"The interest the French women showed in marriage and family issues in China has exceeded our expectations," observed Lu Xiaofei, editor-in-chief of the China Women's News. "Their questions and comments were challenging."

Lu noted that the French women were particularly interested in the marriage status of women in China, single-parent children and Chinese women's status in family and society.

Wang Simei, with Women's Studies Institute of All-China Women's Federation, said: "Major differences exist between the two countries. But we are eager to know about each other."

The Chinese Culture Year opened in France in October 2003 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. The French Culture Year will be held in China in the second half of this year.

"It is the boat of culture that has shortened the long distance between the East and the West," Lu noted. "The gendre culture should also be an envoy (for friendship), as has been proven by history."

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