Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, March 06, 2004

HK women's unemployment problem slightly improved

The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Women Affairs Committee announced on March 5 the result of a survey of women's employment situation.


The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Women Affairs Committee announced on March 5 the result of a survey of women's employment situation.

The survey shows that women's unemployment problem has improved slightly, yet age is still an obstacle to middle-age women who are looking for a job. Also, unemployed individuals are found to be with education background.

The survey was done between Dec. 2003 and Feb. 2004, and 751 women were interviewed, showing a result that women's unemployment rate has decreased from 12.9 percent last year to 10.1 percent this year. The insufficient employment rate is 4.1 percent, which happened mainly in imports and exports, catering and hotel, wholesale and retail industries.

The survey shows that nearly 50 percent of the unemployed interviewees have finished senior high school, 10 percent of them had received tertiary education. The Federation said such a result shows that well educated women are also facing unemployment problem which mainly happened among the grass roots in the past.

Besides, it is shown in the survey that middle-aged women are facing difficulties in job searching. Among the unemployed interviewees, 68.3 percent belong to the age group of 35 to 54.

According to the federation, other causes that led to the unemployment problem in women include expensive traffic fees and posts being moved to the Chinese mainland.

Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Chan Yuen-han suggested that the government implement an economic development policy that is employment-oriented and assist women with traffic subsidy, to safeguard women's employment opportunity.

Source: Xinhua

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