Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, March 04, 2004

Chinese women nail top four berth in table tennis worlds

The Dream Team of Chinese women's table tennis players completed a 3-0 whitewash of Singapore on Wednesday, securing a top four slot at the world team championships.


The Dream Team of Chinese women's table tennis players completed a 3-0 whitewash of Singapore on Wednesday, securing a top four slot at the world team championships.

It was the fourth straight win for the Chinese women this week, expected to win their 15th world team title. China will vie for the group's top place with South Korea Wednesday afternoon, the only other unbeaten team in the six-team group.

China is bundled with South Korea, Singapore, Germany, Russia and Chinese Taipei in Group A of the two-group championship division. The other top league group is composed of Hong Kong of China, Japan, Romania, Hungary, Italy and Belarus.

The strongest Chinese lineup of Wang Nan, Zhang Yining and Niu Jianfeng didn't give much chance to Singapore's Zhang Xue Ling, LiJia Wei and Tan Paey Fern, winning without even dropping a set.

South Korea routed Chinese Taipei 3-1 as Yoon Ji Hyue lost her rubber to Yu Mei-Ju.

In Group B action, Japan disposed of Belarus 3-0.

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