Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, February 27, 2004

Premier Wen urges closer trade links with Denmark

Premier Wen Jiabao Thursday stressed more political trust and economic co-operation as the basis for stronger Sino-Danish relations.


Premier Wen Jiabao Thursday stressed more political trust and economic co-operation as the basis for stronger Sino-Danish relations.

Wen made his remarks during a meeting with visiting Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

According to a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Wen suggested the two governments encourage co-operation between medium and small-sized enterprises and provide them with help in market expansion.

Official figures indicate trade between China and Denmark expanded by more than 58 per cent last year to reach nearly US$2.46 billion.

There has been a major increase in bilateral trade in recent years, Wen noted, adding that greater potential still exists.

The Chinese premier also looked forward to increasing co-operation in high-tech, environmental protection, agriculture and animal husbandry and energy resources technology.

Wen was echoed by his guest, Rasmussen, who was quoted by the Chinese spokesman as pledging efforts to increase economic co-operation and to strengthen science and technology, cultural and personnel exchanges, as well as expanding political dialogue.

Denmark set up diplomatic ties with China 54 years ago, making it one of the first among Western countries to recognize the new China after it was founded in 1949.

China stands willing to enhance high-level contacts and strengthen co-operation with the European country in international affairs by making use of a consultation mechanism between the two foreign ministries, said Wen.

Rasmussen also told Wen that his government follows the one-China policy and holds fast that the referendum planned by the Taiwan authorities will harm peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits.

Earlier Thursday, Rasmussen headed a group of business executives on a visit to the organizing committee for the 2008 Olympic Games site. Denmark is hoping for a share in the large potential Olympic market in China.

The prime minister praised the committee for its down-to-earth and fruitful efforts in the past two years since Beijing was designated the host.

He said he believes that the Beijing Games will likely be one of the most successful events in sport history.

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