Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Japan hopes earlier settlement of abduction issue

Japan hopes contact with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on the sidelines of the six-party talks on the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula would lead to an earlier settlement of the abduction issue, a senior Japanese officials said Wednesday.


Japan hopes contact with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on the sidelines of the six-party talks on the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula would lead to an earlier settlement of the abduction issue, a senior Japanese officials said Wednesday.

"We will take every opportunity to hold bilateral talks with North Korea (DPRK) to resolve the issue," said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda.

The second round of six-party meeting, involving China, the DPRK, the United States, South Korea, Japan and Russia, started Wednesday in Beijing to find a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue.

The DPRK is opposed to put the abduction issue on the agenda. But after a brief contact between negotiators of both sides Tuesday during a reception in Beijing, the DPRK agreed to continuetalks on that issue, according to Japanese media report.

Japan is asking the DPRK to return family members of five abducted Japanese who have stayed in Japan since a visit in 2002.

A high-level Japanese delegation visited Pyongyang earlier thismonth over the abduction and nuclear issue.

Fukuda also said Tokyo hopes the ongoing meeting would make progress on the issue.

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