Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Haitian opposition rejects international peace plan

Haitian political opposition rejected Monday the plan of the international community to negotiate a solution where President Jean-Bertrand Aristide would share power with his opponents.


Haitian political opposition rejected Monday the plan of the international community to negotiate a solution where President Jean-Bertrand Aristide would share power with his opponents.

The rejection came a few hours before the Monday deadline imposed by the international mission, said reports received in Havana.

Spokesmen of the opposition Democratic Platform that groups several anti-Aristide organizations said they could not accept the plan, but put forward another proposal of their own, which includes demand for Aristide's oust.

The president, however, declared he would hold office until his term expired in 2006 and pledged to defend the constitutional order with his life.

The international peace plan, proposed by the high level envoys of the United States, France, the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) and the Organization of American States (OAS), had been accepted Saturday by President Aristide.

The proposal envisaged the appointment of a tripartite commission formed by the government, the civil opposition and the international community. The commission will then name a group of 9 to 15 members in charge of choosing a new prime minister acceptable by all sides.

At the same time it stipulates that the 4,000-strong, ill-equipped police forces would be under the command of the new prime minister.

The three-week-long insurgency in Haiti intensified Sunday as armed rebels captured Cap-Haitien, the country's second-largest city, and threatened to move on to the capital, complicating international efforts to end the crisis.

The rebellion against President Aristide began in the country's fourth largest city of Gonaives early this month and has so far claimed nearly 70 lives. The government has also lost control of the northern and central regions of the country.

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