Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, February 23, 2004

Danish PM speaks highly of ties with China

Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen has spoken highly of the development of Denmark-China relations, saying China would play an increasingly importantrole in the world with its growing economic strength.


Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen has spoken highly of the development of Denmark-China relations, saying China would play an increasingly importantrole in the world with its growing economic strength.

In a recent interview with Xinhua before his first visit to China which begins on Tuesday, Rasmussen said he was looking forward to the trip to China, during which he could see by himselfthe country's rapid development.

The two countries have maintained good cooperation in many areas and there are no impediments to the further development of their ties, said Rasmussen.

As one of the first countries in the West to recognize China, Denmark set up diplomatic relations with the country in May 1950. But exchanges between the two countries date back to the mid-17th century, when the then Danish king sent letters to the Chinese emperor for the establishment of trade relations.

Since then, their friendly cooperation has witnessed steady development with two-way trade growing 40 percent last year, the prime minister said.

Rasmussen hoped that his five-day visit would further boost trade ties between the two countries, thus giving a greater impetus to the development of their friendly cooperation. A Danishbusiness delegation will go to China together with Rasmussen.

Many entrepreneurs in Denmark have shown great interest in joining the delegation, and they attach great importance to trade relations with China, said Rasmussen, who wished that the two sides would expand cooperation in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, transportation and agriculture.

The Danish prime minister also said there are broad prospects for the two countries to conduct cooperation in culture and education. He hoped that exchanges of students, teachers and researchers would be intensified between his country and Europe asa whole and China, which boasts a time-honored civilization.

During his stay in China, he will attend a ceremony as part of the global activities to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Hans Christian Anderson, a world renowned Danish writer, Rasmussen said.

China has played and will continue to play an increasingly important role in the world affairs with a strong momentum for rapid economic growth, the Danish prime minister said.

China's accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001 manifested an accelerated process of its integration into the world economy, and growing economic strength will enable China to exert greater impact on the world economic as well as political affairs, he said.

China has played a positive role in maintaining stability in Asia, Rasmussen said, adding that Denmark appreciates China's efforts in promoting the peaceful solution of the nuclear issue onthe Korean Peninsula and its contributions to world peace and stability.

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