Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Sunday, February 22, 2004

Haitian President accepts international peace plan

Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide announced Saturday that he accepted the international peace plan that included the appointment of a new prime minister, reports reaching here from Haitian capital city of Port-au-Prince said.


Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide announced Saturday that he accepted the international peace plan that included the appointment of a new prime minister, reports reaching here from Haitian capital city of Port-au-Prince said.

Aristide himself declared in the Presidential Palace after a meeting with an international mediation delegation that he "entirely" accepted this plan, that foresees the designation of a new "multiparty" government where he will hold his post with limited powers and the creation of the basis to carry out "clean" elections.

"I accepted the plan, publicly and entirely ... In one word, yes," declared Aristide.

He also reiterated that he would not step down until his office expired in 2006 and said he backed the peace plan because it allowed "a safe environment" for the elections.

Although the peace plan allows him to remain, it requires Aristide to cede significant powers -- including control of a revamped and internationally trained police force -- to a new, independently appointed government and prime minister.

However, after long talks with Aristide's opponents, Bahamas Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell told the press "While we did not get a yes, we did not get a no."

Mitchell said the opposition was still considering its options and would respond with their final position by Monday, meeting a deadline imposed by the mediators.

Oppositions said earlier that they would not comply with any agreement that did not include Aristide's resignation.

The international mediation delegation is led by the US diplomat for the Americas, Roger Noriega, along with envoys of France, Canada, the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM)and the Organization of American States (OAS).

Aristide's representation said he also accepted the deployment of an international peace force with French and OAS participation.

On Feb. 5, the opposition in Haiti launched an insurgence in Gonaives, the fourth largest city in the country, in a bid to oust Aristide. Rebels have driven police out of more than a dozen towns,and more than 50 people were killed during the clashes.

Facing the mounting tension, Aristide called for international help to quell the tumult. The United States earlier opposed a French proposal of sending peacekeeping troops to the country, suggesting a mission be sent once the Haitian government and the opposition work out a political solution to the conflict.

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