Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, February 17, 2004

All bodies identified in east China temple fire

Family members claimed all the 40dead bodies in a blaze that gutted a temple in east China's Zhejiang Province Monday afternoon, as local officials said three injured people were still receiving treatment in a local hospital.


Family members claimed all the 40dead bodies in a blaze that gutted a temple in east China's Zhejiang Province Monday afternoon, as local officials said three injured people were still receiving treatment in a local hospital.

The fire swept a shed-turned temple built with straw and bamboo in Wufeng Village, Haining City, killing 40 women ranging from 40 to 84 years old, said Xu Hui, the city's deputy mayor.

A preliminary investigation said negligence and cult-like superstitious activities might be to blame for the accident.

A special investigation team dispatched by the State Council, China's cabinet, has arrived at the scene to probe the accident.

Chen Jianliang, one of three organizers of superstitious activities at the site, has been detained by local police for further investigation.

Local people said most of the worshippers in the "Putang Confession" activities organized by Chen Jianliang were aged women who believed they could easily go to Heaven after paying two to three yuan (about 24 to 36 cents) every time for the worshipping.

"All the bodies were packed together," recalled 67-year-old Sun Jinbao, who was the last to escape from the temple after it went up in flames.

"Many people were trying to flee the temple after the fire, but the gate was just too narrow," Sun said. She was among the 60 people participating in the worship activities when the accident occurred at 2:15 p.m. Sunday.

Senior officials, including provincial Governor Lu Zushan, vice-governors Zhang Mengjin and Wang Yongming, and Director of the Zhejiang Department of Public Security Wang Huizhong rushed to the scene to investigate and oversee the rescue work.

The province organized a teleconference Monday morning, urging local governments to carry out an immediate inspection of work safety and social security.

Source: Xinhua

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