Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, February 13, 2004

Germany pledges engagement in Afghanistan

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder reiterated on Feb. 12 his country's commitment to peace-keeping in Afghanistan.


German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder reiterated on Feb. 12 his country's commitment to peace-keeping in Afghanistan.

Speaking at a joint press conference after a meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Schroeder said that they were in consensus that Afghanistan should be stabilized so as to provide an environment for economic development in that country.

He said that Germany would continue its engagement in Afghanistan and to make clear to Afghans that "their return to the international community will be paid a dividend."

Blair, who met Schroeder to prepare for a meeting next week with French President Jacques Chirac, rejected criticism that the trilateral talks had created a "directorate" in EU.

No country should be excluded from the ongoing close cooperation among the biggest countries, he said.

Leaders of Britain, Germany, France will finalize an agreement on establishing a quick reaction force of EU, according to press reports.

On the issue of Iraq, Schroeder reiterated that his country would be ready to help in the reconstruction and democratization process of the war-torn country, but not by sending troops there.

Schroeder said that he and Blair would push for policies to strengthen the European industry in the upcoming EU summit in March.

Source: Xinhua

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