Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, February 06, 2004

China wins glyphosate anti-dumping case in Argentina

The Argentine government announced on Wednesday that Minister of Interior Affairs Fernandez signed a resolution on Monday declaring that investigation on China glyphosate anti-dumping case has been completed and Argentina decided not to levy anti-dumping duty on Chinese glyphosate imports. The resolution implies that China has won this anti-dumping case.


The Argentine government announced on Wednesday that Minister of Interior Affairs Fernandez signed a resolution on Monday declaring that investigation on China glyphosate anti-dumping case has been completed and Argentina decided not to levy anti-dumping duty on Chinese glyphosate imports. The resolution implies that China has won this anti-dumping case.

About two years ago American company Monsanto and its Argentine partner appealed to the Argentine Foreign Trade Committee, complaining that Chinese glyphosate was being sold at a price below its production cost and had caused damages to them. After the Argentine government accepted the case, the concerned Chinese companies, with the help of Commercial Office of Chinese Embassy in Argentina, cooperated with Argentine companies, responded actively to prosecution and finally won this two-year-long action.

Glyphosate is a kind of herbicide mainly used in the production of transgenic soybeans. The current sales in the Argentine market are about US$250 million. China is Argentina's largest Glyphosate exporter, who shares about 1/4 of the local market.

When interviewed by a reporter of Xinhua News Agency regarding this, Wang Chuanxin, Economic and Commercial Counselor of Chinese Embassy in Argentina, said China's victory in the Argentine anti-dumping case is of positive significance in enhancing the normal trade development between the two countries. Leaders of many related Argentine companies warmly welcomed the government's resolution. A statement by Argentine Agricultural Cooperative Alliance said this resolution facilitates the development of agricultural companies in Argentina.

By People's Daily Online

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