Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, January 16, 2004

Chlorine poisons 130 people in Qiqihar

Seven mystery jars of chlorine have caused the poisoning of 130 local residents of Jianhua district in Qiqihar city, northeast China's Heilongjiang province.


Seven mystery jars of chlorine have caused the poisoning of 130 local residents of Jianhua district in Qiqihar city, northeast China's Heilongjiang province.

All the victims are being treated in hospital and six are described as severely ill with vomiting and breathing difficulties. The others were out of danger and would leave hospital Friday, according to the local disease control center.

The first aid center of Qiqihar started receiving calls from the Gaotou village at about 6 p.m. Thursday, with reports of people falling ill.

A preliminary survey showed that seven unsealed jars containing chlorine at a pit near the village caused the poisoning, but the owners and origins of the jars were unknown, said investigators.

The local government has sealed the jars and environmental officials are monitoring the situation near the site. Further investigations are underway.

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