Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, January 12, 2004

Half British public believes Blair lies over Kelly affair

Half the British voters believe Prime Minister Tony Blair lied over the affair of David Kelly, the expert on Iraqi banned weapons who committed suicide last year, a poll issued in The Mail on Sunday newspaper showed.


Half the British voters believe Prime Minister Tony Blair lied over the affair of David Kelly, the expert on Iraqi banned weapons who committed suicide last year, a poll issued in The Mail on Sunday newspaper showed.

Kelly was found dead with a slit wrist last July shortly after he was named as the source of a disputed BBC report claiming the Downing Street had "sexed up" evidence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction so as to drive the country into the war with Iraq.

According to the YouGov poll, 50 percent of Britons believe that Blair lied in saying he didn't authorize the leaking of Kelly's name, while 23 percent agreed Blair told the truth and 27 percent undecided.

Blair indicated to parliament last Wednesday that he would quit if it was proven that he lied over Kelly.

The poll was carried out as the whole country impatiently awaits publication of results from the probe by Lord Hutton into Kelly's death, which caused the deepest crisis in Blair's political career.

The Hutton report now is expected to be issued later this month or in February.

Source: Xinhua

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