Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, January 09, 2004

The moment Saddam was dragged from his hole: Photo

The first pictures purporting to show the capture of Saddam Hussein appeared on an American website on January 7, 2004. The photographs shows Saddam held down by an American soldier, whose face has been deliberately obscured, after he was dragged from his hiding place, an 8ft hole in the ground.


The first pictures purporting to show the capture of Saddam Hussein appeared on an American website on January 7, 2004. The photographs shows Saddam held down by an American soldier, whose face has been deliberately obscured, after he was dragged from his hiding place, an 8ft hole in the ground.

The latest photographs have yet to be authenticated, but Pentagon officials said soldiers may have had a camera with them.

Saddam was captured on Dec 14 at a house on the outskirts of his home town, Tikrit, north of Baghdad.

The dishevelled, bewildered and bearded figure resembles Saddam as he looked when he was first photographed in custody.

The pictures surfaced Wednesday on the American website www.military.com.

Source: agencies

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