Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Top union leader vows to help workers in difficulties

China's top union leader has pledged to support the ongoing reform in the state sector and make substantial efforts to help factory workers in difficulties.


China's top union leader has pledged to support the ongoing reform in the state sector and make substantial efforts to help factory workers in difficulties.

Wang Zhaoguo, president of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, made the remark during an inspection tour of Yunnan Province, southwest China, from Jan. 2 to 5.

Wang is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, and vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

Wang visited poverty-stricken employees of some state-owned companies, together with provincial Party chief Bai Enpei and Governor Xu Rongkai. He urged local Party committees, governments,unions and enterprises to take care of and resolve problems for needy factory staff.

The key to resolving the difficulties of these people lies in the development of the nation and enterprises, Wang said, hoping the workers could understand and support the nationwide reform drive.

Local Party committees and governments should help enterprises improve the work of their poverty-relief centers and work for the development of enterprises and the safeguarding of workers' rights and interests, he added.

During the tour, Wang also held talks with local lawmakers and urged them to accomplish their legislative duties in accordance with the law.

Source: Xinhua

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