Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Vice premier urges more efforts to raise farmers' income

Chinese Vice-Premier Hui Liangyu has called on local governments to make more efforts to reduce poverty and raise farmers' income.


Chinese Vice-Premier Hui Liangyu has called on local governments to make more efforts to reduce poverty and raise farmers' income.

Hui, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, made the call during his inspection tour of Luliang area, north China's Shanxi Province, between Dec. 27 to 30.

More efforts were needed to promote restructuring of agriculture and improve the country's grain production capability,said Hui, urging more effective measures to help unemployed rural laborers find jobs.

Luliang is one of the poorest regions in China and suffers a serious water shortage. The mountainous area has been hit by severe natural disasters this year.

During his tour, Hui inspected a drinking water project and talked with farmers to learn about their income, life and farming production.

Hui also visited the poorest rural families in the area. He asked local government officials to increase poverty reduction efforts by developing industry and training farmers.

In addition, more investment should be put into developing agriculture through the application of science and technology, said the vice premier.

Hui also urged the local government and relevant departments tobuild irrigation facilities and prepare for farming next spring.

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