Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, December 26, 2003

Businessman jailed for water poisoning

A water dispenser salesman who poisoned a county water reservoir to boost his business has been jailed for life.


A water dispenser salesman who poisoned a county water reservoir to boost his business has been jailed for life.

Cao Qianjin, 27, was sentenced at the first trial by the Luoyang City Intermediate People's Court for poisoning the drinking water in Ruyang County, central China's Henan Province, a crime that resulted in 133 people becoming ill, including 46 who were hospitalized.

Cao ran a business selling water dispensers in Ruyang County. He poured pesticide into the county's drinking water reservoir on Sept. 30 to promote his business.

Cai Huile, his wife, was sentenced to three years in prison with a four-year reprieve for concealing up her husband's crime.

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