Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, December 11, 2003

Japan calls for joint efforts with ASEAN on antiterrorism

Japan hopes for discussions with theAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on fighting terrorism in a two-day summit Thursday and Friday in Tokyo, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda said Thursday.


Japan hopes for discussions with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on fighting terrorism in a two-day summit Thursday and Friday in Tokyo, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda said Thursday.

The top Japanese government spokesman told a news conference that the issue of how to jointly prevent and eradicate terrorism will be discussed along with economic topics. "It'll be an important conference," he said.

The summit marks the first time for all of the ASEAN leaders to gather outside their region. That clearly shows how close the ties between Japan and ASEAN are, Fukuda said.

Japan and the 10 ASEAN countries have a common stake in efforts to fight terrorism, Fukuda said.

Japanese trade minister Shoichi Nakagwa also called on Japan and ASEAN to jointly tighten export controls on materials for weapons of mass destruction as an effort to fight against terrorism.

"Japan must cooperate to deal with piracy because securing the safety in the ASEAN region is very important as we depends on the Middle East for energy resources," Nakagawa said at an international business forum in Tokyo the same day.

Nakagawa, minister of economy, trade and industry, also said Japan and ASEAN members need to act together by introducing strict export control to stem access by "terrorist countries" to materials that could be diverted for weapons of mass destruction.

"This also cannot be done by Japan alone," he said.

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