Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, December 04, 2003

Wen hails launch of Tibetan Culture Week in Thailand

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao Thursday sent greetings on the launch of the "2003 China Tibetan Culture Week" which runs from Dec. 4 to 18 in Thailand, and wished it a complete success.


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao Thursday sent greetings on the launch of the "2003 China Tibetan Culture Week" which runs from Dec. 4 to 18 in Thailand, and wished it a complete success.

In a letter sent on the occasion of the start of the culture week, Wen extended the best wishes, on behalf of the Chinese government and the people, to his Majesty the King of Thailand, whose 76th birthday coincides with the culture week, and cordial greetings to the Thai people.

The Chinese premier said in his letter that China and Thailand are close neighbors and trustworthy partners. The fraternal friendship fostered during the long-term friendly cooperation between the two countries has become even closer and is displayingits vitality as time goes by, he said.

Tibetan culture is a component of the treasure house of the splendid Chinese culture and a unique treasure in world culture. During the "2003 Tibetan Culture Week," the Thai people will see for themselves a fascinating and growing Tibet and its culture, Wen said.

The culture week is a great event in cultural exchanges between the two countries, Wen said. It will play an important role in further promoting the friendship between the two peoples and the friendly relations between the two countries.

This is the first time for China to feature Tibet in a large-scale cultural exchange event in Thailand.

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Tibetan Culture Week to be held in Thailand

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