Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, November 28, 2003

China to host junior weightlifting world championships in 2006

China won the bid to host the 2006 junior weightlifting world championships, according to a senior official from the State General Administration of Sports in Beijing on Wednesday.


China won the bid to host the 2006 junior weightlifting world championships, according to a senior official from the State General Administration of Sports in Beijing on Wednesday.

China's weightlifting team manager Ma Wenguang said Chinese Southeastern city of Hangzhou beat cities from the other 18 countries and regions to win the bid during their successful worldchampionships tour.

"It's another significant victory, just as the great triumph wehad in Vancouver, " said Ma.

Chinese weightlifters bagged 21 gold, seven silver and four bronze medals from the world championships from November 14 to 22.

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