Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, November 25, 2003

China values strategic partnership with Brazil: vice president

China attached great importance to developing the strategic partnership with Brazil, said Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong Tuesday.


China attached great importance to developing the strategic partnership with Brazil, said Chinese Vice President Zeng Qinghong Tuesday.

Zeng made the remark in a meeting with Brazilian Minister of Defense Jose Viegas Filho.

Zeng said China and Brazil, as two friendly countries, carried out extensive cooperation in such fields as politics, trade, culture and military.

The friendly cooperation between the two countries benefited not only the two peoples but also the regional and world peace and development, Zeng added.

Zeng spoke highly of the two countries' cooperation in the aerospace field, noting that this successful cooperation in the past provided a sound basis for further cooperation in the high-tech and aerospace fields between the two countries.

Zeng extended his appreciation and thanks for Brazil's adherence to the "one-China" policy.

Jose Viegas Filho said the Brazilian government, the same as the Chinese government, also hoped to enhance the cooperation between the two sides, and believed the future cooperation will cover more extensive fields.

As regards the Taiwan issue, he reiterated that the Brazilian side always stuck to the "one-China" policy.

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