Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, November 24, 2003

BOC's individual forex savings on mainland hit 49 bln dollars

The private savings deposits in foreign exchange on the Chinese mainland in the Bank of China (BOC), one of the four major state-owned commercial banks in China, hasexceeded 49 billion US dollars, a BOC official said on Monday.


The private savings deposits in foreign exchange on the Chinese mainland in the Bank of China (BOC), one of the four major state-owned commercial banks in China, hasexceeded 49 billion US dollars, a BOC official said on Monday.

The official, who is with the BOC's retailing department, made the remark at an awarding ceremony for a nationwide foreign exchange transaction contest organized by the bank.

During the firth 10 months this year, the actual transactions in foreign exchange conducted by the Bank of China totaled 55.8 billion US dollars, the official said.

The contest, which is aimed at improving citizens' knowledge and ability in making investments with foreign exchange, attractedmore than 60,000 participants.

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