Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, November 24, 2003

China expects 2.8 million college graduates in 2004

China will see its 2.8 million soon-to-be college graduates going job-hunting either at job fairs or on-line this winter, an increase of 680,000 over the same time last year, according to the Ministry of Personnel.


China will see its 2.8 million soon-to-be college graduates going job-hunting either at job fairs or on-line this winter, an increase of 680,000 over the same time last year, according to the Ministry of Personnel.

"If you count previous years' graduates who have failed to find jobs, the country will have to offer more than three million new jobs to college graduates alone in 2004," said Hou Jianliang, vice minister of personnel.

Hou said the number of college graduates has sharply increased since last year, as a result of a large scale enrollment expansion scheme introduced in 1999.

Statistics show that in 2003, China had a total of 2.12 million college graduates, 70 percent of whom had found jobs by September.The employment rate roughly equals that of 2002 despite the impact of the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) outbreak earlier this year.

Most Chinese college students graduate in summer, but fearing the increasingly competitive labor market, many start their job hunting half a year or even one year before their graduation.

Hou noted that his ministry would take a series of steps to help college graduates find jobs, one of which is to launch a nationwide "College Graduates' Employment Service Week" from Dec. 1 to 7.

By the 21st this month, more than 90 national and local job markets, as well as more than 60 websites, had registered for the Service Week, during which they will provide free services for job-seeking college graduates.

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