Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, November 21, 2003

Chinese lifter breaks own world records

China's Liu Chunhong broke her own world records of combined, snatch, and clean and jerk at the women's 69kg class weightlifting as she swept the gold medals at the World Weightlifting Championships in Vancouver, Canada on Wednesday.


China's Liu Chunhong broke her own world records of combined, snatch, and clean and jerk at the women's 69kg class weightlifting as she swept the gold medals at the World Weightlifting Championships in Vancouver, Canada on Wednesday.

Liu lifted a total of 270.0kg after a record-breaking 267.5kg, twice improving her own previous world mark of 265kg.

In the snatch, she twice bettered her own world mark of 117.5kg,finishing with 120.0kg that followed a lift of 118.0kg on her second attempt.

The 18-year-old freshman also refreshed her world mark of 148.5kg in clean and jerk with 150.0kg.

All of the world records are also junior world records.

It's not the first time for Liu to break world records repeatedly in one event as she previously made it at the Asian Games, said Ma Wenhui, Liu's coach for six years.

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