Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Saturday, November 15, 2003

Chinese young account for 30 percent of unemployed

Chinese young people are facing severe employment problems as 30 percent of the country's 13 million unemployed are aged from 18 to 35, the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) has warned.


Chinese young people are facing severe employment problems as 30 percent of the country's 13 million unemployed are aged from 18 to 35, the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) has warned.

The urban area labor force grows by nearly 10 million every year, most of them young people. The rural area has 150 million surplus laborers and most of the young rural laborers go to the towns and cities to seek jobs. The enlargement of college enrollments four years ago has led to a peak number of graduates this year at about 2.12 million, up 46.2 percent over last year.

The Central Committee of the CYLC, China's largest youth organization, set up an employment fund Friday with 1.2 million yuan (145,000 US dollars) to provide skills training to young people out of work.

Employment promotion had become the major task of the CYLC, said Wang Xiao, secretary of the CYLC Central Committee at Friday's donation ceremony.

The youth organization has provided careers guidance and training to 1.49 million unemployed young people, 28 million young migrant workers and 1.54 million rural young people, over the past few years.

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