Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, November 13, 2003

IAEA report on Iran 'positive': Khatami

Iranian President Mohammad Khatami said Wednesday the recent report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Mohamed ElBaradei entailed positive points.


Iranian President Mohammad Khatami said Wednesday the recent report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Mohamed ElBaradei entailed positive points.

"The most positive point in the report was that there is no evidence Iran is seeking to build an atomic bomb," Khatami said after the cabinet session.

"ElBaradei's report proves our claims and will prevent pretexts of certain powers and circles against Iran."

Meanwhile, Khatami said he had a number of complaints over ElBaradei's report.

"We have some complaints against Mr. ElBaradei," he said. "He should have taken into account other considerations. It is natural that during the past 20 years of nuclear activities, there have been failures, but this does not signify a violation of the NPT."

He said Tehran's future cooperation with IAEA depended on the outcome of the agency's Board of Governors meeting on Nov. 20, which could declare Iran in breach of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

"We will continue our cooperation with the agency and we are waiting for the board of directors meeting. If their attitude is political, we reserve the right to change our attitude," Khatami said, while adding that he was "optimistic."

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