Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, November 10, 2003

India test-fires cruise missile

The "Brahmos" supersonic cruise missile was successfully test-fired for the fifth time from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur-on-sea on Sunday.


The "Brahmos" supersonic cruise missile was successfully test-fired for the fifth time from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur-on-sea on Sunday.

The missile was test-fired from a mobile launcher at 12:04 hours, the Press Trust of India reported.

After achieving the precision guidance capability in surface-to-surface version from a fixed launcher in its fourth trial on Oct. 29, the missile was test-fired to check its other parameters on Sunday, defense sources told the PTI.

The present version of "Brahmos," the product of an Indo-Russian joint venture weighing about three tons, can strike a target located 290 kilometers away. The missile is eight-meter long and carries a conventional war-head weighing about 200 kilograms.

A two-stage vehicle, the missile's propulsion consists of a solid propellant booster and liquid propellant ramjet system.

"Brahmos" is the first and only supersonic cruise missile usingliquid ramjet technology. It cruises in the atmosphere at speed faster than sound.

The first demonstration flight took place in a vertical configuration on June 12, 2001 while the second was fired from an inclined plane on April 28, 2002. The third launch was conducted from a warship of the navy in the Bay of Bengal on February 12, 2003.

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India Test-fires "Brahmos" Cruise Missile


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