Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, November 06, 2003

China's Oscars announced

The annual Golden-Rooster Awards, known as China's Oscars, was announced Wednesday, with world renowned director Zhang Yimou taking the best director's award with his epic movie, Hero.


Golden Rooster Awards
The annual Golden-Rooster Awards, known as China's Oscars, was announced Wednesday, with world renowned director

Zhang Yimou taking the best director's award with his epic movie, Hero.

22 awards were handed out on Wendesday night at the end of a film festival.

The Cannes-winning actor Xia Yu took the best actor's award starring in Date With Police.

Two films shared the award for best picture, including Terrifying Waves, depicting the anti-flood campaign in 1998.

The film about China's late leader Deng Xiaoping was given a special award.

The Golden Rooster Awards, started in 1981, have been the top honors for China's film industry.

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