Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, November 05, 2003

China standardizes appraisal for sci-tech projects

China has issued an administrative regulation on standardizing appraisals for government-sponsored scientific and technological projects.


China has issued an administrative regulation on standardizing appraisals for government-sponsored scientific and technological projects.

Shi Dinghuan, a senior official with the Ministry of Science and Technology, said the regulation was the first of its kind in China, and was expected to encourage innovation and commercialization of research achievements.

The ministry stipulated that appraisal teams should consist of specialists from research bodies, universities and even companies. In some frontier areas in which consensus has yet to be reached among home scientists, the regulation says overseas scientists are also qualified to be enlisted into the talent pool.

As for key national and local scientific and technological programs, Shi said, strict appraisals must be required before, during and after implementation.

The regulation also stresses the integrity of appraisers. Any inappropriate behavior, if verified, will be recorded.

"Effective appraisal for projects using public money will help create transparency of budget planning and governmental administration," Shi said.

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