Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, October 30, 2003

Pragmatic dialog in 'honeymoon period' of China-EU relations

The Sixth China-EU leaders' meeting begins to be held in Beijing today, this is a major event in China-EU relations. In recent years, China-EU relations have been developing soundly, exchanges between both sides have undergone constant expansion, mutual-trust has increased day by day and cooperation has been deepening.


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The Sixth China-EU leaders' meeting begins to be held in Beijing today, this is a major event in China-EU relations. Before this meeting, the European Union (EU) published a new strategic document on relations with China on September 10, admitting that EU-China relationship is a mature partnership; on October 13 China released the "Document on China's Policy toward EU", the first of its kind since the dawn of history, which systematically and openly expounds for the first time China's interest and goal in its relations with the EU. The present China-EU leaders' meeting can be regarded as a dialog of epoch-making significance held at a time when China-EU relationship is in the best historical period.

In recent years, China-EU relations have been developing soundly, exchanges between both sides have undergone constant expansion, mutual-trust has increased day by day and cooperation has been deepening. The materials provided by the EU delegation to China show:

The trade volume between EU and China has witnessed a 30-fold growth since 1978;

China is the third largest trade partner of EU;

In 2002, EU was the third largest foreign investor in China, with investment totaling US$4.5 billion, ranking behind the United States and Japan;

In 2002, altogether 1.3 million EU citizens/times came to tour China, and a total of 6.45 million persons/times went to EU countries.

Director Zhou Hong of the European Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was specially invited to give a detailed introduction to the net surfers the historical significance of the present China-EU leaders' meeting and questions related to Sino-EU relations.

People's Viewpoint: Since China and EU established in 1998 a mechanism for regular leaders' meetings, topics for annual dialogs between leaders of China and the EU have time and again been expanding and deepening, developing from China's accession to the WTO, human right dialog, exchange and cooperation in the international financial field to exchange covering the fields of science and technology, energy, communication, education, judicature and administration and cooperation in the fields of agricultural development, environmental protection, international counter-terrorism, regional security, and nuclear non-proliferation. This momentum of development shows that the relationship between China and the EU is developing healthily in the direction of expanding exchange, strengthening mutual trust and deepening cooperation. In your opinion, what has constantly pushed China-EU relationship forward?

Zhou Hong: Modern elite and wise men and kind and upright men of various countries, proceeding from different angles and varied interests, are approaching the existing environment of humankind, and analyzing the complicated world where we are in, a world in which there exist both the mainstream of peace and the latent crisis of turbulence, and which is full of opportunities for development and sees the emergence of signs of recession. People have discovered that the international community is experiencing the transition from a kind of already disintegrated international order to another kind of still unknown international order. During this transitional period, various forces are in the process of one growth and the other decline, learning from and cooperating with each other and having frictions and conflicts with each other. Men of vision within the four seas are trying to affect the changing world events, thinking of national rejuvenation, they are conscious of the righteous cause, taking the broad road, building up national strength and laying stress on achievements, this is true of China as well as Europe.

Following the two world wars, some EU countries, after making unremitting efforts for over half a century, have finally won for themselves a unified big market, a kind of unified currency and a whole set of mechanisms that link and integrate the administration of traditional nations and countries. In order to maintain Europe's long-time security and further prosperity, the Europeans are carrying out new construction in the aspect of foreign policies. A relatively peaceful world and a relatively developed world market are the fundamental conditions for Europe's security and prosperity.

China has awakened from the century-old foreign invasions and oppressions, after the sustained efforts made by several generations, China has greeted the dawn of national rejuvenation and the realization of an all-round well-off life. In order to realize the many generations' dream of a strong China and prosperous people, China is engaged in unprecedented reform and innovation in various fields. A relatively peaceful world and a kind of relatively fair rules for international trade are likewise of fundamental significance to China's security and development.

China and the EU living in the same age both hope for peace and are devoting their efforts to development, there are no conflicts of interests between them, but instead, there is a vast area for expanding cooperation and jointly building prosperity. The China-EU partnership is the natural product of the time and the rational demand of the people, as well as a matter of vital importance planned by leaders of both sides.

People's Viewpoint: Although China and the EU have similar judgment of the times and the same pursuit of the future, their contacts, however, are being carried out under two entirely different political structures: China is mono-political entity, while the EU is a multinational combination. Different histories have left to China and the EU different political experiences and political systems, will this kind of structural asymmetry interfere with the exchange and cooperation between China and the EU?

Zhou Hong: Since China and the EU established diplomatic relations in 1975, the development of the partnership of China and the EU shows although this kind of asymmetry has brought some difficulties and problems to the contacts between China and the EU, dialogs and links carried out specifically in dealing with these problems have contrarily deepened understanding and expanded cooperation between China and the EU, difference can become an opportunity for learning from each other. The mechanism for meeting between leaders of China and the EU is one of the most effective ways for linking up the asymmetrical political entities of China and EU.

The asymmetrical political systems originate from the different historical legacies and development stages of China and the EU, particularly because the EU is a new political entity in human history, its unique features and potential strength are yet to be thoroughly understood by the world's people. The EU has developed gradually on the basis of the international treaty, the degree of its integration in different areas is different. For example, in the economic and trade field the EU is a super-national system, whereas in diplomatic and security fields, the EU is an inter-governmental system. Given this, in its contacts with the EU in certain fields, China is having dealings with a EU, while in some other fields, China is having dealings with the components formed by several EU. In addition, the EU is in the process of constant developing and deepening, an inter-governmental structure in the past may today turn into a transnational or semi-transnational structure; a non-EU country in the previous year may become an EU country this year. On the one hand, the European side in China-EU relations is under constant change whether in terms of powers and functions, or in terms of interests. On the other hand, although the EU enjoys in many departments transcending nation and country powers and functions, this cannot replace various EU component parts in its external contacts. As a matter of fact, in China's ties with the EU and in many fields, China has direct contacts with various EU member countries. The intricate and complex interests and the lack of complete information will possibly constitute adverse effect on China-EU relations.

People's Viewpoint: Can the meetings between leaders of China and the EU that began in 1998 help eliminate to some extent these adverse effects in China-EU ties?

Zhou Hong: The mechanism for meetings between Chinese and EU leaders is a typical example of bilateral dialogs under the multilateral mechanism of the new times.

The direct dialogs between Chinese and EU leaders can link and solve strategic, principled and crucial problems in the field of China-EU relations, so that the development of China-EU ties can always keep to a correct orientation and therefore will not get lost in local and minor contradiction. That is point one.

Secondly, the matters raised and inquired into by the EU under the mechanism for meetings between Chinese and EU leaders are invariably questions of common concern to various EU member countries and are the common stance taken by various EU members. This makes it possible for China to avoid taking attitudes respectively toward various possibly contradictory members countries, thereby enhancing the efficiency of links and understandings between China and the EU.

Thirdly, the mechanism for meetings between the Chinese and EU leaders is

bilateral dialogs built on a multilateral basis, it contains both bilateral elements, as manifested in China's bilateral diplomatic approach toward the EU as a whole, and naturally comprises multilateral elements: Due to the multilateral mechanism within the EU, attending the meeting of Chinese and EU leaders, not only include president of the European Council representing the transcending state mechanism of the EU, but also the head of the EU rotating presidency representing the inter-governmental mechanism, the venues were located alternately in Beijing and the capitals of various member countries. This kind of bilateral diplomacy containing multilateral elements, in turn, acts on various kinds of international multilateral diplomacy: An evidence of this is China's contact and cooperation with the EU at the ASEM meeting, the UN and the WTO.

People's Viewpoint: Would you please say something about the epochal significance and international impact of the present meeting between Chinese and EU leaders?

Zhou Hong: The Sixth Chinese and EU leaders meeting held after the Iraq war and between the EU heads and China's new-generation leaders constitutes another reason for the importance of this meeting. Through the mechanism of high-level dialogs between China and Europe, China and the EU are carrying out dialog and cooperation in defense of world peace, they represent the common wishes and fundamental interests of the world's people and have therefore become an active factor in the international order.

China and the EU which are devoting their common efforts to development and prosperity will also explore ways to deepen and expand their economic and trade ties and bring benefits for the people of both sides, thereby strengthening the foundation of reciprocity and mutual benefit between China and Europe. Along with EU's continued eastward and southward enlargement, more countries will join in such consultation, dialog and cooperation, so that reasonable cooperation method will continue to expand.

In the process of ever-frequent personnel contacts, contradictions and differences are unavoidable. Difference in concepts and the modes of conduct and varied interest demands will all make their appearance, this situation requires Chinese and EU leaders to carry out principled consultations from the height of strategic partnership. This process in which each one expresses his own views and seeks common ground while reserving differences constitutes a method of international conduct used to alleviate contradictions by means of consultation, it will produce sound influence on the orientation and method of development.

China's maintenance of a good cooperative relationship with the EU not only can help China serve as a bridge linking the developed and the developing worlds, but can also make the demand of the developing countries more understood by the international community. The mutual understanding and cooperation between China and Europe will exert important influence on the establishment of a new, more equitable and reasonable international order and the creation of a richer and more colorful new world.

By People's Daily Online, Beijing October 30

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