Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, October 24, 2003

ADB helps develop pricing strategy for China's power sector

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a technical assistance (TA) grant of 500,000 US dollars to help China develop a power pricing strategy that optimizes available power capacity.


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a technical assistance (TA) grant of 500,000 US dollars to help China develop a power pricing strategy that optimizes available power capacity.

The TA will examine key issues related to power tariff setting and regulation, including afford ability and environmental implications, the bank announced in a statement released on Thursday.

ADB had provided 2.53 billion dollars to help meet China's energy needs by financing the development of cleaner forms of energy and modern technologies to reduce emissions from coal-fired power plants.

Cogeneration projects have allowed inefficient, polluting boilers and coal stoves to be replaced, while tree planting and closure of small, old, inefficient power plants have helped to absorb the emissions of coal-fired power plants.

The total cost of the TA is 700,000 dollars, of which the government will contribute 200,000-dollar equivalent. The TA will take about a year till October 2004.

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