Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Thursday, October 23, 2003

Israeli army ready to expel Arafat: newspaper

The Israeli army is ready to carry out the cabinet's decision to remove Palestinian National Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat the moment the orders are given, Thursday's Jerusalem Post reported.


The Israeli army is ready to carry out the cabinet's decision to remove Palestinian National Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat the moment the orders are given, Thursday's Jerusalem Post reported.

"We have presented plans showing the risks and the chances of the operation itself, including the options to remove him alive or not," an unnamed senior security official was quoted by the newspaper as saying.

"The government has to make a decision to allow the army to act. The army is ready. The army always plans for all possibilities," headded.

He also told the newspaper that the constant deployment of forces in the Palestinian territories since the violence erupted three years ago is not fatiguing troops.

"I'm not worried. The battalions are strong and have high standards and are working well. Every four months, new soldiers are added to the fighting and officers are rotated. The standing army can keep this up for years," he said.

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