Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, October 22, 2003

UN postpones voting on resolution on Israeli separation wall

The United Nations General Assembly postponed voting Tuesday on resolutions concerning the separation walls being built by Israel against Palestinians.


The United Nations General Assembly postponed voting Tuesday on resolutions concerning the separation walls being built by Israel against Palestinians.

In a brief statement, Julian Hunte, president of the current session of the General Assembly, said voting on the issue concerning Israel's separation wall was postponed as cosponsors of the resolution had asked for more time.

In a protracted emergency debate requested mainly by Arab representatives, the General Assembly was scheduled to debate and vote on resolutions proposed by Arab group.

A draft resolution proposed by the Group sought to have the barrier declared illegal by the General Assembly, as it had asked the Security Council to do. A second draft text would ask the International Court of Justice in The Hague to issue an advisory opinion on whether Israel should cease construction of the barrier and to dismantle the existing parts.

The resolutions were in reaction to a veto by the United States last week in the Security Council, on the separation walls being built by Israel between itself and Palestinian territories.

Last week, the United States vetoed a draft resolution, saying that it felt the text was one-sided, while Bulgaria, Cameroon, Germany and the United Kingdom abstained.

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