Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, October 21, 2003

China to host int'l hydrogen energy forum in late May of 2004

China is expected to host an international forum on developing hydrogen energy from May 25 to 28 next year, an official in charge of organizing the forum said in Beijing Tuesday.


China is expected to host an international forum on developing hydrogen energy from May 25 to 28 next year, an official in charge of organizing the forum said here Tuesday.

"Hyforum 2004: Clean Energies for the 21st Century" will be accompanied by an exhibition showing the latest technologies applying hydrogen energy, such as fuel cell automobiles.

The forum, supported by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, the China Association for Science and Technology and the International Association for Hydrogen Energy, the official noted, will be attended by governmental department officials, scientists, investors and business people.

The United States, Japan and European Union (EU) countries have already attached great importance to developing technologies using hydrogen energy. Chinese scientists also showed great interest in researching concerned technologies, particularly fuel cell technology.

Youth Forum 2003, a sideline event for the international forum on developing hydrogen energy scheduled for next year, was held Tuesday at prestigious Qinghua (Tsinghua) University in Beijing, drawing more than 100 scientists under the age of 35.

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