Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Ten killed in Israel's air strike on central Gaza Strip

Ten Palestinians were killed and 40wounded on Monday night as Israeli Apache attack helicopters fired several missiles at a local Palestinian car at a crossroad closed to the central Gaza Strip refugee camp of Nuseirat, Palestinian witnesses and medical sources reported.


Ten Palestinians were killed and 40wounded on Monday night as Israeli Apache attack helicopters fired several missiles at a local Palestinian car at a crossroad closed to the central Gaza Strip refugee camp of Nuseirat, Palestinian witnesses and medical sources reported.

The witnesses said that F16 warplanes flew over the area making loud sound of its engine, then the Apache helicopter fired two missiles at a local Palestinian car driving on the crossroad that leads to the refugee camp.

They said that the targeted car managed to escape from the area, and then dozens of Palestinian civilians gathered near the spot where the first missile was fired, and then the Apache helicopters fired another two missiles, the thing that raised the number of Palestinian victims.

The residents in the area said that ten people were killed, and 40 were injured, more than 20 of them are critically wounded, adding that the number of civilians that were killed by the airstrike might mount.

Medical sources said that at least 10 Palestinians were killed and 40 others injured, two of them are in serious conditions, adding that the helicopters are still flying over the area. Doctors and nurses at Al Aqsa Hospital in central Gaza Strip said that ten bodies are torn into pieces are at the emergency room of the hospital, adding that there are no enough beds for the wounded people.

Witnesses said that many of the wounded are lying on the ground at the yard of the hospital and screaming help to find a nurse or a doctor to rescue their lives.

Israeli F16 warplanes and US-made Apache attack helicopters carried out four airstrikes earlier on several locations and cars in the Gaza Strip, where three Palestinians were killed, two of them were Hamas militants, and one bystander.

The first airstrike was carried out by F16 warplanes on a building in Gaza closed to the house of Islamic Jihad (Holy War)house Abdullah Al Shami, where Israel said that building was used to store weapons into it.

16 Palestinian civilians were injured, among them a woman and a girl that were seriously injured. The Israeli Apache helicopters then fired a missile at a local car in Gaza City killing two Hamas militants and one bystander that his car was next to the targeted car. Ten people were injured. Afterwards, the Israeli F16 warplanes fired a missile at a room east of Gaza City, where Israel claimed that the room is used for storing homemade rockets that Palestinian militants are firing at Israel.

The fourth airstrike was carried out by an F16 warplane, when a missile was fired at an empty filed in central Gaza Strip. No injuries were reported.

Monday night's airstrike is the fifth one within the day, rising the death toll to 13 people killed, 19 wounded, most of them were civilians.

Palestinian witnesses said that the car belongs to Palestinian militants members of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

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