Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, October 03, 2003

Security fence won't protect Israel from attacks: Hamas

The Palestinian Islamic resistance movement Hamas warned Israel on Thursday that the security fence it is building would never protect it from Hamas' strikes.


The Palestinian Islamic resistance movement Hamas warned Israel on Thursday that the security fence it is building would never protect it from Hamas' strikes.

In a statement sent to the press, Hamas said the security fence would never make the group stop its attacks against Israel, adding that Israel's decision to continue building the fence was made in accordance with an American acceptance.

"Hamas strongly condemns the building of the fence that divides the Palestinian territories into pieces and prevents our people from having free access of movement," the statement said."But we are confident that the fence would never protect the Zionist entity and would never make the strikes of resistance stop," it noted, adding that the construction of the fence proved again the failure "of all the so-called peaceful settlements.

"Hamas stressed that the "racist security fence blows up all chances of coexistence, security and settlement," adding that "it splits the West Bank into slices and confiscates wide areas of lands."

"Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will live in huge prisons after Israel builds up the racist isolation fence, in which so many buffer zones are supposed to be built between each slice," said the statement.

The statement also pointed out "Building the fence means that the Israeli government is in crisis and proves that it is not intending to stop its aggression operations and security and military actions against our people."

PNA urges Quartet to stop Israel from building security fence

he Palestinian National Authority(PNA) Thursday called on the so-called Quartet Committee to urge Israel to stop building the security fence in the West Bank.  

In a statement distributed in the West Bank, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said the PNA has sent urgent letters to the representatives of the Quartet Committee, comprising the United States, the United Nations, Russia and the Europe Union, on the issue.

Erekat called on US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns and US peace envoy to the Middle East John Wolf, as well as the representatives of the United Nation, Russia and the European Union, to move as quickly as possible.

The Israeli cabinet on Wednesday approved a bill to continue building the third phase of the security fence, which it says willprevent Palestinian militants from infiltrating into Israel fromthe West Bank to carry out attacks.

The Palestinians describes the fence as the "Second Fence ofBerlin" that swallows vast areas of Palestinian-owned lands and farms, and leave hundreds of thousands of Palestinians isolated and living in huge prisons.

In the urgent letters sent to the Quartet Committee, the PNA said that the continuation of building the fence would of course undermine all chances to protect the peace process and revive it in the future.

Erekat said in the statement that "the continuation of building the security fence can be immediately and spontaneously translated into one fact which is undermining the peace process."

"We call upon the Quartet Committee to interfere as soon as possible to save the peace process, the roadmap, and the vision of US President George W. Bush of two states for the two peoples," he said.

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