Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Monday, September 29, 2003

Fatah armed wing vows to continue attacks on Israel

Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, armed wing of Fatah movement chaired by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, vowed on Sunday to continue carrying out attacks against Israel.


Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, armed wing of Fatah movement chaired by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, vowed on Sunday to continue carrying out attacks against Israel.

The group made the remarks in a communique to mark three years of the Palestinian Intifada, or uprising.

The communique said the continuation of the armed resistance is the only way and the only language that the Israeli enemy understands.

The group, meanwhile, blasted the new Palestinian National Authority (PNA) cabinet that Prime Minister-designate Ahmed Qurei, or  Abu Alla, is expected to form in the coming days, saying the mission of the new government is to end the Intifada.

The Intifada is starting its fourth year firm and powerful, and the Palestinians insist to sacrifice with martyrs until they achieve their aspirations of getting rid of the occupation, said the communique.

It called upon the Palestinians to continue the Intifada and not to stop it until Israel removes all the Jewish settlements, ends the occupation and recognizes the rights of return of Palestinian refugees.

Despite the fact that there are some groups of people who respond to the dictations and projects of concessions, the resistance of our people remains the strong rock that all such kinds of projects are broken on it, said the group.

The group stressed that "the only response to the daily massacres that the Israelis are committing against our people is the martyrdom operations (suicide bombings) that would only create balance between us and the Israelis."

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