Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, September 19, 2003

HK's economy on road of recovery: official

Hong Kong's Financial Secretary Henry Tang said here Thursday that he is pleased the unemployment rate in Hong Kong has come down for the first time in eight months,and believes Hong Kong's economy is on the road of recovery.


Hong Kong's Financial Secretary Henry Tang said here Thursday that he is pleased the unemployment rate in Hong Kong has come down for the first time in eight months,and believes Hong Kong's economy is on the road of recovery.

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Hong Kong declined from 8.7 percent in May-July period to 8.6 percent in June-August 2003, while the underemployment rate fell from 4.2 percent to 4 percent, according to a press release from Hong Kong's Census and Statistics Department.

Tang noted that there are marked improvement in tourism-related industries, such as the hotel, restaurant and transportation industries, while maintenance and decoration also witness some degree of improvement.

Tang expressed belief that the unemployment rate has peaked and will fall further.

He said the Hongkongers' going out to spend money, instead of staying at home during the breakout of SARS, and the unemployment improvement both indicate that Hong Kong's economy is on the road of recovery.

Tang said he is cautiously optimistic over the unemployment rate in the near future, but it could come under pressure in the short and medium term as the restructuring of Hong Kong's economy will take time.

Tang reiterated that Hong Kong has many advantages, including avery strong trading system with overseas countries and the Chinese mainland, a very healthy fiscal balance, and a robust financial system.

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