Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Explosion rocks FSB building in Russia's Ingushetia

The powerful explosion that rocked the Federal Security Service (FSB) building in Russia's southern republic of Ingushetia Monday noon killed at least 4 and injured many others, Itar-Tass reported.


The powerful explosion that rocked the Federal Security Service (FSB) building in Russia's southern republic of Ingushetia Monday noon killed at least 4 and injured many others, Itar-Tass reported.

The FSB press center said that an explosive device was set off at about 11:55 Moscow time in a vehicle parked near the FSB building in the center of Magas, capital of Ingushetia that borders Chechnya, but the type of the vehicle has not been identified yet.

At least 100 people were supposedly staying in the three-story FSB building, which was opened in July, when the explosion took place. The building suffered serious damage but walls and floors withstood.

At least one was killed and 15 others were injured in the blast,which left a hole with a radius of 200 meters, sources from the Southern Regional Center of the Russian Ministry for Civil Defenseand Emergencies were quoted by Interfax as saying.

An FSB investigation team is working on the explosion site.

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