Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, September 09, 2003

No Official Acceptance to Premier Post from Qurei: Official

The Palestinian National Authority(PNA) Minister for Cabinet Affairs Yasser Abed Rabbo on Mondaydenied reports saying that Ahmed Qurea, also known as Abu Alla, hadalready and officially accepted the post of prime minister.


The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Minister for Cabinet Affairs Yasser Abed Rabbo on Monday denied reports saying that Ahmed Qurea, also known as Abu Alla, had already and officially accepted the post of prime minister.

Abed rabbo made the denial to reporters following the meeting of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) executive committee chaired by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in Ramallah.

Qurei, who now is the speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), wants to wait for a while before he officially accepts the offer, Abed rabbo said.

He added that Qurei is seeking international, especially American and European guarantees to get back to the peace process, end the Israeli aggression on the Palestinians and press Israel to commit to the implementation of the roadmap peace plan.

Official well-informed Palestinian sources said that there are some Palestinian attempts to postpone Qurei's acceptance to the new Premier post to throw the ball to the American playground to make it move towards pushing forward the stalled peace process.

Earlier, Palestinian sources closed to Arafat announced that Arafat had officially asked Qurei to replace outgoing Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas and form a new PNA cabinet within five weeks, and that Qurea had officially accepted the offer.

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