Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Wednesday, August 20, 2003

China, Nepal Sign New Civil Aviation Pact

China and Nepal on Tuesday signed an agreement on civil aviation.


China and Nepal on Tuesday signed an agreement on civil aviation.

The agreement was signed by Yang Yuanyuan, director of the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China, and Sarbendra Nath Shukla, Nepalese minister of culture, tourism and civil aviation, representing their respective governments.

Yang said the pact will prepare the two nations for more directflights, and further promote their cooperation in economy, trade and tourism.

He said the agreement is more representative of the developmenttrend of the modern civil aviation industry, and reflects the long-term friendly cooperation between the two countries.

Shukla also gave high evaluation to the agreement.

The two countries signed their first civil aviation agreement in 1978.

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