Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, July 25, 2003

Commentary: An Important Dialogue between Asia, Europe

After publishing a Chairman's statement, the ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Economic Ministers' Meeting in Dalian came to a close Thursday Afternoon.


After publishing a Chairman's statement, the ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) Economic Ministers' Meeting in Dalian came to a close Thursday Afternoon.

The Ministers agreed to "work closely in order to ensure a positive outcome in Cancun with a view to achieving a single undertaking agreement which is broad and well-balanced on market access, rules-making and development-related issues before 1 January 2005 as mandated by the Doha Ministerial Declaration." This, no doubt, sends a positive signal to the Cancun Meeting.

The global economy is in a transitional stage of adjustment and recovery. However, the war on Iraq, SARS, the US dollar exchange rate fluctuation and recent successive terrorist incidents have generated uncertainties with regard to global economic recovery. Ministers agreed to "revitalize the world economy through further trade liberation and through the strengthening of the rules-based multilateral trading system." The consensus will contribute to the recovery of the global economy.

This meeting enhanced mutual understanding of ASEM members and put forward suggestions for Asian-European cooperation. It has also played an important role in creating a new Asia-Europe partnership and building a greater understanding of both regions. Facts prove encountering challenges and strengthening cooperation with sincere attitude and practical actions will bring a bright and prosperous future.

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