Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Friday, July 25, 2003

5th ASEM Economic Ministers'Meeting Concludes in Dalian

The 5th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Economic Ministers' Meeting (EMM) concluded with fruitful results here Thursday in Dalian of northeast China's Liaoning Province.


The 5th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Economic Ministers' Meeting (EMM) concluded with fruitful results here Thursday in Dalian of northeast China's Liaoning Province.

During the three-day meeting, economic ministers from 26 ASEM members held discussions on the new round of World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations, the global economic situation and Asia-Europe cooperation.

Having reached consensus on the issue of strengthening cooperation among ASEM members, considered more important than ever before, participants all agreed that Asian and European countries should join hands to revitalize the Asian economy and to boost the global economy.

The meeting also adopted a chairman's declaration which outlined consensus on important issues.

Chinese Minister of Commerce Lu Fuyuan, who chaired the meeting, said it proceeded in a friendly and cooperative mood and that it had achieved the desired results.

He also expressed his belief that the meeting will have a positive impact on Asia-Europe economic cooperation.

Four coordinators from the European Union Commission, Italy, Japan and Vietnam also said the EMM is entering its second and more significant phase, as the members have demonstrated their strong willingness to revitalize the world economy with cooperation and mutual trust.

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